Orientation Services
We offer orientation services for students and their families coming to Canada for education and work purposes. Our orientation service includes the essential information and procedures you need to start living and adapting in Canada. With our orientation service, you can minimize the challenges you may face as you embark on a new life in Canada.
Scope of Orientation Services
Our orientation service provides the guidance you need in the city where you or your family choose to settle in Canada. Our priority is to meet your basic needs, such as opening a bank account, obtaining a phone line, and getting a public transportation card. Additionally, we provide information and consultancy on topics like the healthcare system, tax system, education system, social security system, culture, and lifestyle in Canada.
Opening a bank account in Canada is important for managing your daily expenses and performing transactions like money transfers. The required documents and procedures for opening a bank account can vary from bank to bank. We help you choose the most suitable bank and complete the account opening process smoothly. For detailed information, please visit our related page.
Getting a phone line in Canada allows you to communicate and access the internet. The required documents and procedures for obtaining a phone line can vary from operator to operator. We assist you in selecting the most suitable operator and completing the phone line acquisition process smoothly. For detailed information, please visit our related page.
Getting a Public Transportation Card
Obtaining a public transportation card in Canada facilitates your intra-city transportation. The required documents and procedures for getting a public transportation card can vary from city to city. We help you choose the most suitable public transportation card and complete the card acquisition process smoothly.
Other Orientation Topics and Our Services
We provide custodianship services to foreign students under the age of 18, a mandatory practice in Canada. We keep in contact with the students throughout the educational year and be there for their families.
Primary - middle school, high school, university, college ...
We provide one-on-one solutions for the subjects that students of all ages need support. We offer online or mutual private lessons depending on location.
University, college, high school, language school ...
We offer coaching services to students for their education and young professional lives, enable our students to get organized, and help them start life one step ahead.
After the student or family arrives in Canada, we meet them, transfer them from the airport to their accommodation or school, and ensure that they are safely placed.
School residence, private residence, hotel, apartment, house rental or sale, as well as homestay accommodation ...
We direct you to our trusted business partners for any questions you may have regarding accommodation.
We recommend health insurance for students, their families and international citizens in Canada. You can contact us for policy coverage details and the appropriate price for you.